Thursday, March 29, 2007

Condom Story 2

Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister of India, gets a call in the middle of the night.
Mr Prime Minister, this is the Secretary of Health, Sir. I`m sorry for waking you, but we have a national emergency. A ship carrying a supply of several thousand tons of latex has sunk and we will not be able to make any condoms for at least the next one month!?
One month! My gosh, we can`t have all those unwanted babies, it`ll cripple our economy!?
We`ll have to import some Sir. The nearest supplier of condoms is Sri Lanka, Sir.?
I don`t want to ask them for help, they will think less of us. What shall we do??
Sir, how about you ask them for condoms that are ten inches long and six inches thick? That way they will know just how big Indians are!?
So the PM agrees, and arranges the shipment. He is the first to inspect them when the consignment arrives, and sure enough, they are ten inches long and six inches thick. Then he notices that all the boxes are labelled:
~ haha~

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