Thursday, February 01, 2007

School or Zoo??

Life've been really stressful, after spending few restless night, finally I fall sick. Illness isn't something cool at all ( I'm not lying). Imagine taking lots of medicine day and night, swallowing pills which size are as large as a bean, and drinking those horrible liquid inside your tummy... all I can say is " Yucky!!" and " Ewwww..."
Well, back to the topic, I'm not gonna discuss why am I falling sick and how it happen, but Malaysia's Education System.
First of all, we are not born to be a copycat ( STATE: WE ARE NOT BORN TO BE A COPYCAT). But what our educational system is producing copycats or parrots. We had been attending formal education at the age of 7, sitting for UPSR at the age of 12 when we were in standard six; enter secondary level at the age of 13, sitting PMR at the age of 15, which means we are in Form 3; Enter higher secondary level at the age of 16 and sitting for SPM at the age of 17, it was when we are in Form 5, yet WE LEARN NOTHING BUT ANSWERING TECHNIQUE!!!
All the while, parents spent hundreds and thousands of dollar, sending their children for tutions, just to learn on how to tackle and score in their exams! Hello, People out there!!! What's the main purpose of sending children to school??? To seek knowledge and be a better person, or learn to be a parrot ( copycat)??
After all, Malaysia is still proud with the mission of 2020, and keep advertising it, but how can a country success whereas the residents are all copycat?? Hiding all the mistakes aren't wise at all, as it was still there. A capable leader should learn on how to solve problems, but not avoiding it, as long as we avoid those so call " horrible" mistakes & problem, there'll be no improvement, but failures.
Think about it, why sending youngsters nowadays for tutions? Giving them a normal & healthy childhood will be the wise choice but not loading pressure and burden on them.


Ulat said...

I like this article... AGREE!! ~WE ARE NOT BORN TO BE A COPYCAT~ wakaka~

ßlυeÿe 小蓝 said...

Me too !!